Tel : 0086-510-85126689
Industry Back

- Drying, toasting, reordering, cooling.

- Thermal Processing for Tobacco.  

- Uniform, efficient drying for high quality products.

- Applications: threshed strip, stems, cased burley, whole leaf, oriental leaf

KAAE Conveyor Dryers

- Sanitary design maximizes uptime for cleaning

- Zoning, advanced dryer control and reordering systems guarantee uniform processing and higher quality product

KAAE offers a range of tobacco drying equipment to optimize product quality and operating efficiency. Each design features high performance and energy efficiency, with minimum downtime for cleaning and maintenance.

Process Technologies

KAAE conveyor technology has high thermal efficiency, superior access and advanced control systems. Conventional steam-atomized-water reordering and high pressure spray mist systems are available.

Easy Installation

KAAE conveyor dryers provides modular configurations. Customers enjoy reduced installation cost and start-up time with the standard modular design. These units are fully assembled and tested at the factory prior to shipping. This allows the fastest possible installation with reduced field connection points.

Enhanced Performance

KAAE offers Advanced Dryer Controls to optimize the performance and efficiency of a drying operation. The system's Evaporation and Moisture Control modules ensure that product moisture is controlled closer to specifications, leading to superior product quality and increased yield. Increased energy efficiency is achieved with Humidity Control and Energy Monitoring. Together, these controls monitor and adjust thermal operating conditions such as exhaust levels and energy use.

Technical Parameters
